If you’d like to support Silverwing Journals, the simplest way is to share it with anybody who you think might enjoy it, even just the tiniest bit. Talk about it with a friend who likes webcomics or stories about magic. Send it to a sibling who reminds you of Liara. Recommend it to that person on reddit asking for neat webcomics to read.

If you really want to support directly/monetarily, you can buy me a cup of tea on Ko-fi. I am incredibly grateful for any donations you decide to send me! In all honesty, I didn’t go into this expecting to receive any money for my work here, so I haven’t really set much up for that at the moment. Ko-fi is all I’ve got for now.

If you want to support me and my endeavors beyond Silverwing Journals, you can check out and follow me on my social media. That’s also just the best way to keep up with everything I’m doing, including this.

Thank you for reading Silverwing Journals!